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Showing posts from July, 2020

Storage space

One thing I hadn't initially been thinking about is the big space that was going to be made when I joined the two Butterwick Houses together . I decided rather than do more bedrooms or other living spaces that I should make them storage spaces, and I had a lot of fun with doing them, going so far as to go all the way back through my stash of items and find some items that I didn't think I was going to use anywhere else, to get rid of them, so to speak. It also let me use the giant hutch from Seaside Miniatures that I didn't think would fit anywhere. I don't think I can log up every single piece of furniture but here are some of the big ones: the butcher shop items (which I displayed as a sort of "larder" on the bottom floor) were from Just Quarters ; the butter churn you see above and the open barrels were from Stewart Dollhouse ; other barrels and metal parts were from S&D Models , but the chain, hook, and some other metal items were from Narrow Gau

I FINALLY completed the join

So if it seems like I've abandoned this project, I haven't...I've just been working and working without completing much of anything. That's because I've been on the joining of the two Butterwick houses to create the gallery for months now. But now it's done! This was a complex process, albeit mostly executed by me flying by the seat of my pants. It was all done with pieces of wood cut to mostly fit and then glued into place, with liberal amounts of Crackshot to even things out and fill in the gaps, and also some landscaping mesh to fill in on the back part of the roof. Rather than try to explain it all, though, I'll just share my photos, which I think do a better job of this! The one thing I did not do that I should have is draw a substantial line up the center groove of the roof. I ended up going off kilter as I went along laying tiles, so a bit of "surgery" was needed. Thi