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Showing posts from March, 2019

Coffee room progress

I'm making more progress -- slowly -- and am thisclose to having the front ready to glue on to the first Butterwick House. But the last few panels needed some adjustment, so more on that in a future post. Instead I thought I'd give a first look at the coffee room, as I'm making pretty good progress on it. I got the Petworth Miniatures gaming table "dressed," finally, including a sandwich from Medieval Miniatures and a whiskey set from Stewart Dollhouse. The sandwich was invented when the Earl of Sandwich was hungry but didn't want to leave the gaming table and asked that meat between two pieces of bread be brought to him, so it was fun to slip that little anecdote into my scene. The secretary is from Victoria Miniland and it's stocked with books from kenna_gal on eBay. There are more of them in the bookshelves on either side of the fireplace (another from Herdwick Landscapes). Would a coaching inn have had that many books? Possibly not, bu